He has been working with Noëlle Perez and José Miguel since 1968.
Phone : 0033 1 69 20 16 20 (Paris) e 0033 4 75 66 20 03 (Ardèche)
Email : georgia.leconte@wanadoo.fr
– She went to Pune to work with B.K.S. Iyengar in 1974 and 1977, followed and accompanied Noëlle’s research and journey towards the synthesis of Yoga and Aplomb.
– He studied ethnology and Sanskrit with several professors at the EPHE in Paris.
Courses and Seminars: Yoga and Aplomb at ISA in Paris, Ardèche, USA
Lecturer at ISA Paris since 1973
‘Ethnophysiological’ research: in progress
Georgia Leconte

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